It's so true what you say, that Jesus is wonderful enough on his own, and that should be our focus. This is such a refreshing truth to come back to.
Re: annihilation, I have some thoughts. I'm married to an athiest, and for him, the fact that life simply ends after death, is not a terrible notion. To pass into non-existence, what I think of as another word for annihilation, does not terrify him, but is rather a peaceful thought. You just simply are not, just as you were before you were born. Of course, that's if there's no God.
I'm not sure yet what I think about annihilation co-existing with God/existence of heaven but your comments have got me thinking. Either way, I have come to see that passing onwards, whether to heaven or to simply non-being, as non-frightening. And the lack of fear has lead to more love in my life. :-)
Thanks for sharing!